miércoles, 23 de enero de 2013



Homero must first start with a white shirt blue pants gray shoes, head only has two hairs, their eyes are large, have a M above the ear, have a control in your hand, with the dog still depues that is between homero and marge, it seems that this happy after this Marge with her long hair blue, her green dress, her necklace and shoes orange red, next is smooth with her hair like a star, his white collar, his sapote blouse and slippers of the same color, have a bowl of popcorn, beside this the blue cat on a leash watching TV, beside this the baby bottle maggie with his bow tie on his head and his pacifier and finally the devil family, Bart, with pink shirt, blue shorts, blue shoes, yellow is your skin like everyone else is drinking and scraping, there is a sofa coffee one duff eating fish, a box containing a sea, a sailboat and clouds, this to one side, off hook, the floor is green and purple wall.


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